21 March 2007

hye! erm..u all sumer dijemput dtg ke Plaza Alam Sentral (PAS) Shah Alam (bg yg suke surf internet)..hehe..coz here got free place to surf internet using the WIFI.hehe...actually today my 1st try come here..ermm, i dh pernah dtg sini ngn my bf tp kitorang xmasuk la..jz usha2 kt luar je..so, today i try..its quite ok..mmg free hbs..i siap wt mcm umah sendiri..hehe..lepak je..today i lepak ngn my friend..cari bahan utk asgmnt..huhu..biase la asgmnt yg xhabis2 kan..
Some info tentang tempat ni. Terletak di level 3..u all akan jmpe ruang yg besar kt sini bile dh smpai level 3 nih..nma ruangan nih..'hiburan family'..mcm2 la lg kat atas ni..ade tmpat karaoke..and one more thing, u guys can survey hp here..there's a lot of hp sold here...ermm, lg...ade tmpt jamming...erm..lg ade jual alat muzik..tp kan, for girls out there..kt sini mmg byk jual bj, tudung yg murah2..kasut..pendek kata, klu kt sini pn dh leh hbs beratus la klu yg mmg ske shopping..hehe..jd tukang promote PAS plak..anyway, if u want something branded product..u guys can go to SACC MALL..SACC offer the branded brand like vincci, the body shop..etc and high level restaurants such as secret recipe, the coffee bean and etc..so, check it out!come n visit shah alam..bandar anggerik!wakakakaka....

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