Group Tarian ku…
Hye pembaca sekalian! I have a dance group that u all can invite us to make a performance..we all can menari ape shj jenis tarian yg di request oleh peng'invite' kitorang tu..very reasonable price wat masa sekarang..juz cost at least rm50 per person and it also depends on how many songs that u all request utk kitorang menari..actually x semestinya bile kitorang akan perform, sumer members akan menari...sebaliknya dlm 6 org je yg akan perform coz klu ramai2 sgt pn nnti x cantik kan..ermm..kalau berminat leh la email advertgurl [at] or contact no. 012-5347859..if u all berminat nak booking or invite us, hope kepada sesapa berminat can contact us at least 2 weeks before the function or at least one week before so that we all can practice smartly so that our performance dpt memuaskan hati u all..xde la nnti kitorg perform 'kapo' je..yela, kene jaga quality. Cewah! ermm, well...mesti la nk perform the best kan so that we all can get more invitation from anybody yg berminat lg pas tgk kitorang punyer, alrite! till then..jumpe to sleep..tomrrow ade kelas pg..economy plak tu...and then tomorrow also my group got invitation to perform our dance..first performance for this sem..huh!gerun gak la dh lama x perform rasanyer...huhu...alrite! bye..and c ya! oooppss! don't forget to contact me if u r interested k!
P/S: Tgh mengupdate video tarian kitorang ni nak showcase. So, tunggu ek?
P/S: Tgh mengupdate video tarian kitorang ni nak showcase. So, tunggu ek?
hi.. :) thanks for commenting kat my site.. ermm.. waaahh.. pandai menari yerrr... nak minta tlg ajar ley? heheheheh
REPLYhi...wahaha...teror dance ye awk..great!!