toilet case..
Hye! Today I would like to story u about the price that have been charge for one entry to the toilet. It's happen @one shopping mall that I have been there yesterday. Well, I don't know if u guys didn't think like what I think because the charge for one entry to the toilet is 50 cent. Don't u think that's too much? Usually, I just have to pay 20cent to enter the toilet. But, not at this time..hmm, itu la zmn skrg kan?nnti klu zman ank2,cucu2 kter nnt(ceh, terasa tua plak...hehe) lg la..agknyer trus rm1 plak nk msk toilet..but now, still ade toilet yg free..such as at jusco...kan?well, sj nk share info with u all..alrite!