15 November 2007

Pelakon-pelakon Kerana Karina

Hye guys! Lama betul i menyepi kan..ermm, busy sgt..biler msk semester jer..mst takde masa dah utk wat ape pun..yela, busy ngn asgmnt, test, aktiviti kolej lg..hurmm..well, for this time i would like to tell you guys ’bout the first online drama in Malaysia called Kerana Karina..cast by Marsha Milan Londoh, Sazzy Falak, Zizan Nin, Elaine Daily, Bell Ngasri and many more..so far i watched 7 episodes..quite ok..ermm..kelakar jugak tgk Bell berlakon watak lembut..drama ni exclusive on monday, wednesday and friday..so far dah 7 episodes..so this friday will be continued with the 8 episode..erm, ’bout lakonan Marsha..ok jugak la die blakon but sometimes still pekat jugak lg die pnyer slang Sabahan die tu..hehe..yg I geram tgk dlm ni so far Elaine Daily..suker sgt die menyibuk nak macam goda si Zizan Nin tu..Elaine saje nak sakitkan hati and nak bg Karina (Marsha) jealous..actually Karina and Imran (Zizan Nin) pernah in love dulu time they were study in UK (if i not mistaken) and apa yang i tau, dorang hampir2 nak bertunang dah..tapi tak jadi..x tau la kenapa sebab dia..ermm, so anybody want to watch this drama can watch it at www.gua.com.my..click to video and then gua tv..ok, that’s all from me..selamat menonton and have fun!

Episode ke-12 Drama Online Kerana Karina


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